Solving The Money Game

What’s the problem?

No one wants to admit they have a money problem until they are so knee-deep in debt that it becomes this obvious, unavoidable monster. Did you know that 89% of Americans are struggling with debt? Did you also know that most have good-paying jobs, family members who work and live in the same household, and even drive descent vehicles? It’s never about how much you earn. It’s about how much you spend and why.


It all boils down to one thing: discipline. We all can do it, but don’t exercise it. Significant distractions include peer pressure, styling trends, hobbies, advertising, and spending habits. It’s a double-edged sword. If you get that brand-new hat, it weighs heavily on your discipline for instant gratification. In most cases, buying serves a want and not a genuine need. If you save 10% of what you earn, you’ll notice the massive difference and reduce the anxiety you feel being broke.


The Magic Key

Discipline is the only thing in your life that separates the haves from the have-nots. It’s the man who has a goal in mind and says, “I’m going to achieve that goal.” The overweight person says, “I don’t feel like exercising,” but gets up anyhow. It’s the college student who sets out to become a doctor after seven years of study and sticks with it. It’s that minimum wage worker who consistently saves $100.00 from every paycheck. It’s anyone doing something deliberately and consistently to achieve a desired goal. 


The sacrifice

It was never supposed to be easy. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth it. If it were easy to do, that means you already knew it.There isn’t any clever trick or magic pill. There was never a case where someone hadn’t sacrificed, took a leap of faith, or had an epiphany. All your life, you may have been told wealthy people are evil, ruthless, and selfish. NO! They simply think differently than you. They only need to make an impression once they can afford an impression. You don’t have to jump off a bridge every weekend to know you’re alive. When did you see Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Steve Jobs worry about wearing Versace, Perry Ellis, or Stacey Adams on the weekends?


Getting Started

Focus on building wealth. Make a plan for your money, or it will leave you. Start investing in those accounts you’ve held open with the bare minimum. Begin your financial education with proven professionals. How can you aim to possess what you know nothing about? It’s like having a rare pet you know nothing about. It dies because you haven’t learned how to care for it. 


Start with small disciplinary habits and strengthen daily with affirmations and goal setting. Track your progress and stay the course. Develop a pivotal plan to stick with and have a solid number in your head. Write that number down and work toward it. All excuses that will keep you from accomplishing your “money goal” are left behind. Once you reach that number, find out if you can go further. Decide how high above that plateau you want to go.


No short cuts to success

Don’t look for internet scams that promise instant wealth. Life’s opportunities for you to grow will be a breeze with a few sheckles in your pocket. You will be placing yourself in that rare group of individuals who have mastered their minds. You will no longer be angry with wealthy people because you will be one of them. You will understand it took incredible discipline, investing, and hard work.


DISCIPLINE is the primary key to all success in life. Once you’ve developed it, you will wonder how you could’ve lived any other way. Remember, no one is dealt a lucky hand in life. Sitting around waiting for a great hand to play wastes time because you could be waiting a long time. Just play the hand you’re dealt. Get inspired!


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